“A Fringe Story ”

Part of the World Infringement Congress

“A Fringe Story ” an Interactive Installation at the 2015 Toronto Fringe Festival
(available on mobile via Aris Games)

Both photo essay and a creative non-fiction mobile game, “A Fringe Story” is an investigative documentary located in Mirvish Village, Toronto, at the 2015 Fringe Festival, and prior to the demolition and new construction slated for the historic neighborhood in 2017. This mobile game explores the politics and poetics of city redevelopment and its impact on a community and place through collected emails, photographs, interviews, website links, and found items. Become an investigator in GPS space at the 2015 Toronto Fringe Festival searching transmedially for meaning between an arts institution and a cultural community confronting corporatization.
Created using ARIS, a ” user-friendly, open-source platform for creating and playing mobile games, tours and interactive stories”, navigating “A Fringe Story” can serve artists, administrators, and activists as an experimental example of the hybrid locative, visualizing, and affective possibilities of combining art, non-linear storytelling, and digital civic media.

Time & Venue: Available to play at Rusty Shuttle and the Old Bank during the World Infringement Congress.











Arts in Point Saint Charles

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: A presentation about arts and empowerment in the working-class neighbourhood of Point Saint Charles by Fergus V. Keyes.

Venue & Time: OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from 11-11:30 am









Buffalo Infringement presentation

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: A presentation about the Buffalo Infringement Festival, by Cat McCarthy.

Venue & Time: OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from  11:30 am-12:30 pm









Catty Open Mic Show

Description: An original half-hour sitcom, similar to Saturday Night Live, with several comedic sketches and a music segment. One sketch includes an interview with a certain Ronald Frump who sports an orange toupee and whose name closely resembles a certain mentally-unstable American billionaire currently running for president of the USA.












Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 5-5:30 pm


Der Kosmonaut – Kasai Dear

Part of the World Infringement Congress
Description: Kasai Dear known by the artist name Der Kosmonaut is a poet, writer and spoken word performer. He is also a DJ and music producer as well as a freelance radio and online journalist and editor. He was born and raised in New York City. He has lived in 7 countries and has been involved in the Montreal art and activist scene for the past 15 years.

Since 1994 Kasai has produced and participated in many art and music festivals in North America and Europe. He produced the first Jungle/DrumNBass music rave in North America. With his first group Planet Generation Global Move, he was the closing act of Woodstock 94. He was one of founding artists of the Montreal Infringement festival in 2004. In 2005 he performed his multimedia performance piece “The Fall of New York” at the Montreal and New York Infringement Festivals. He performed the same piece at the Ottawa Infringement Festival in 2006.. As a slam poet he won the Slam B in Vienna Austria in 2011. His poetry has been published in books, newspapers, magazines and online in New York, Vienna and Belgrade.

Kasai studied History and Political Philosophy at Boston University and graduated from the National Broadcasting School at Brighton UK in Radio News and Current Affairs. He was an editor and feature writer for the West Side Eye community newspaper in New York. He was Associate Editor for DiverseCity Magazine. He was a long time news journalist for CKUT radio in Montreal. Most recently he was the political editor at The Age Of Nepotism online journal in Belgrade, Serbia.

As a radical political artist Kasai’s work emphasizes a critical outlook on society combing political activism with his creative output. He has been a political activist for 25 years in the struggle for racial, gender and sexual equality from an internationalist anti-capitalist perspective. Kasai has been on the front lines in the international struggle against capitalist globalization, which provides him with an unique analysis of the processes of globalization and its effects on art, culture, politics and society.


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Der Kosmonaut Performs Spoken Word Selection Plus His Prior To Der Kosmonaut EP – Friday, November 18th from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm.

OLD BANK – “Trump, Globalization and Infringement” – Saturday, November 19th from 10:30 – 11:00 am (World Infringement Congress)










Fringe Trademark Debate Challenge

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: The Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals, which excluded infringement artists from attending the World Fringe Congress, has been invited to debate their trademark on the word “Fringe”, Canadian Parliamentary style!

The resolution: “Consistent with the United Nations’ policy on the common heritage of humankind, be it resolved that the word “Fringe” should be un-trademarked in Canada and protected from trademarking in all other parts of the world to ensure its viability for future generations.”

Venue & Time: OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from 3:15 – 4 pm









Infringement Open Mic Kick Off Party

Description: Kick off the 2016 edition of the Montreal Infringement Festival with an open mic party! Reclaim your culture with a rant, poem, speech, song or anything else you like! Celebrating cultural resistance and independent arts, the open mic will be hosted by the talented Josh Smith and will feature infringement festival artists and anyone wishing to exercise their right to Freedom of Expression! B.Y.O.B.

Musicians, we have a small bass amp and a small guitar amp and speakers. Please feel free to bring your own instruments!

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Tuesday, November 15th at 8:30 pm









Josh Smith

Description: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Where there’s an airport, there’s strip clubs. Where there’s one Tim Hortons, there’s another Tim Hortons within eyesight. And wherever there is critical art or creative infringement, you’ll find Josh Smith.

Josh Smith is a former organizer of the Buffalo Infringement Festival, collaborator and performer for the Montreal Infringement Festival, and performer in the Hamilton Infringement Festival.

Come ask him about his studies at Harvard, his coast-to-coast travels, or, simply come to watch him perform poetry live and in color for the first time in Quebec since 2009.


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Wednesday, November 16th from 8-8:30 pm
Rusty Shuttle – Thursday, November 17th from 7-7:30 pm
Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 5:30-6 pm











Oh my god!

Description: Installation-performance en 3 étapes, Dévotion, Exaltation et Aveuglement. Je ne présente ici que la première étape intitulée DÉVOTION. C’est un questionnement sur nos croyances et nos certitudes. Installation: Devant nous une grande lame de scie, un disque, un soleil qui symbolise la lumière et la vie mais dont les dents peuvent symboliser l’agressivité, le danger aussi bien que la marche vers l’avant. Au centre, une sphère, symbole de plénitude et de perfection. Elle est placée devant un disque bleu symbole de spiritualité et de sagesse. Au-dessus, au milieud’un disque, un intrus personnage semble nous observer et nous inviter hors de notre zone de confort vers l’inconnu, vers l’aventure. Sur le sol, unecloche et une baguette. Performance : Plus qu’un objet, cette œuvre est un lieu qui est plus dans l’ordre d’une interrogation que dans celui d’une réponse. C’est une proposition dramatique de l’espace qui passe directement par le matériauet qui appelle des images énergiques dans l’inconscient du spectateur. Une ronde sera proposée puis tour à tour chacun sera invité à suivre une série de gestes qui lui feront vivre une expérience unique avec cette installation.

Entrée gratuite.

Intrigué-e? intéressé-e? Vous êtes les bienvenu

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Sunday, November 20th at 2:00 pm









Passengers / Passagers

Description: Passangers / Passagers is a Spoken Word performance by Rebecca Anne Banks of her latest play in New Age Renaissance Poetic form, Passengers and Scripts, Scripts and Passengers, Evening Skies.  The play was written in response to the shooting death of Dylan Noble in California by a police officer. Dylan was 19 years old. The play was also inspired by The Muse. The latest from Subterranean Blue Poetry.  .  Stay Tuned . .


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Wednesday, November 16th from 8:30-9 pm








Save The Main

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: A presentation about Save The Main, by Velma Candyass, also featuring the award-winning short film Last Dance on the Main by Aristofanis Soulikias.

Venue & Time: OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from 1:15-2:00 pm

Cabaret Cleo artistes arts burlesques montreal fetish fétiche vaudeville red light main office de consultation publique ville de montreal montréal soirées events festival événements culturel quadrilatere saint-laurent boulevard 2.22 societe de developement angus SDA


Sebastian and Cleo

Description: Light hearted work. Love in all forms, inclusion, Jesus Christ our lord and savior, knowing the difference between attention, money, and love…etc.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 7-7:45 pm







Quinn McMorrow and Friends

Description: An evening of comedy with Quinn McMorrow and Friends! A comedy show specializing in the odder characters living right here in the city of Montreal.  Come see if your’e in the show. BYOB after party!







Venue and Time: ARTLOFT MTL – Sunday, November 20th at 8:00 pm


WTF?! (What the Fr*nge?! )

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: What the Fr*nge?! Join infringement festival founder Donovan King in a theatrical performance-lecture that highlights the infringement philosophy! Exploring corporate influence on Fringe Festivals, this probe looks at how corporate pressure co-opts and harms grassroots culture. The lecture is also a call to action to challenge the discourse at the 2016 World Fringe Congress, being held in Montreal, which has banned several critical artists from attending. There will be a Question & Answer period afterwards. FREE!


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Thursday, November 17th from 8 pm-9:30 pm

OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from 2:00 pm-3:15 pm (World Infringement Congress)










World Infringement Congress (* you must register for this event )

The first-ever World Infringement Congress is being held in Montreal on Saturday, November 19, 2016 as part of the 13th annual Montreal Infringement Festival!

Set on the heels of the controversial and exclusive third World Fringe Congress, the Infringement Congress was created to tackle important issues in the arts that tend to get glossed over at the original event, which tends to focus mostly on business practices. Instead of discussing business strategies like trademarking, cross-branding and charging artists money to play at “Fringe” festivals, the World Infringement Congress will focus on how to empower artists and communities by challenging corporate interference in the arts.


Set in an old bank that was reclaimed as an arts space, the World Infringement Congress will welcome academics, artists, activists and community stakeholders, as well as infringement festival organizers and “Fringe” managers. The purpose is to explore serious issues and themes in the arts and festivals with a view of finding ways to empower artists and communities. Here is the line up:

10:00 – 10:30 am – Breakfast & Introduction

10: 30 – 11:00 am – Trump, Globalization and Infringement (Der Kosmonaut – Kasai Dear)

11:00 – 11:30 am – Arts in Point Saint Charles (by Fergus V. Keyes)

11:30 am – 12:30 pm – Buffalo Infringement presentation (by Cat McCarthy)

12:30 pm – 1:15 pm – Lunch Break

1:15 pm – 2:00  pm – Last Dance on the Main (Aristofanis Soulikias) & Save the Main (Velma Candyass)

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm – WTF?! (What the Fr*nge?!) by Donovan King

3:15 pm – 4 pm – Fringe Trademark Debate Challenge: The Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals, who excluded infringement artists from attending the World Fringe Congress, has been invited to debate their trademark on the word “Fringe”, Canadian Parliamentary style!

* To register, please email with “Infringement Congress” in subject




Candyass Cabaret

Description: A cavalcade of delightful yet challenging entertainment
 to feast your eyes and ears every 3rd Friday of the month.
 Featuring a tasty eclectic blend of artists in the heart of the historic entertainment district on the Main.

 Members of our audience are randomly selected to partake in our silly contests to win incredibly crappy prizes!

 Comedy! Burlesque! Vaudeville!
 Talent! Titties! Toupees!
 Drink Specials! Fun times! Classy Clare the Candy Girl will have delicious baked treats for sale 
Contests, birthday celebrations ANDDDDD there will be cake! 
DJ Franco on the decks.

Un délectable buffet de divertissement à fois charmant et provocateur….un véritable festin pour vos yeux et vos oreilles.
 Un délicieux mélange d’artistes au coeur du quartier historique de divertissement et de la Main. 
Un brin de drag et une pincée de burlesque.
 Bougez vos fesses et montrez nous vos nichons.

 Courez la chance de gagner des prix merdiques dans nos concours!
 Du burlesque, du chant de style “lounge”, de la dance et encore plus!
Du talent! Des tétons!! 
Saoûlez vous avec le Cocktail Cléopâtre!!

 Notre DJ vous fera bouger le cul après notre spectacle à la manière unique des DJ de bars de danseuses!

Ticket Price: $10

Venue & Time: Café Cleopatre – Friday, November 18th from 9 pm-1 am










Floriane Dance Workshop

Description: What trust others means?

Floriane Barny, contemporary dancer, presents you with a dance workshop about trusting yourself and others. We will explore our capacity to trust people around us, what it means to us and try to express it through dance. This workshop has been developed by the “C’est pas nous” Company, in Aix-en-Provence, in the south of France. We will have 2 hours in a cosy studio. This workshop doesn’t require any prior dancing experience. It’s open to all levels. Comfortable clothes will be needed. I hope this workshop will be as relaxing as it is mind stimulating. See you there!

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 12:30-2:30 pm








The Sunshine Sisters

Description: Information about this burlesque performance is coming soon…

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Thursday, November 17th from 7:30-8 pm and Saturday, November 19th from 6-6:30 pm




Description: Asquare “Familiar, but strange”
It is a solo musical improvisation done by Antoine Ambert. Twisting musical clichés, we could define this set as familiar, but strange.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Sunday, November 20th at 1pm
















Allison Robins

Description: Allison is an aspiring songwriter and performer from New York. She discovered her love for songwriting at age 11 and has been writing ever since. She finds inspiration through her experiences and empathy towards others. She would like to thank her loving family for supporting her in her pursuit of her dreams. She would also like to thank her sister Dana and Antoine for hosting the show and inviting her to perform.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 6:30-7 pm












Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Barfly – Saturday, November 19th at 9 pm


Blame Mary

Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Barfly – Friday, November 18th at 9 pm


Carry Me Home

Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Barfly – Saturday, November 19th at 9 pm



Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Barfly – Friday, November 18th at 9 pm


Haunted Gypsy

Description: Indie/alternative/progressive/psycho-psychedelic/gypsy rock, featuring Meria Cairns (guitar, vocals, songwriting) and Curtis Orange (drums.) Original music with a dark, haunting edge, some theatrical and comedic elements. Diverse influences range from Mozart to Metallica. Gypsy rock!



Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Wednesday, November 16th at 10:15 pm.

Barfly – Thursday November 17th at 9 pm











Les Rebellions Innasouvies LESTE

Description: The work of LESTE is critical and activist in the way that it reflects reality and dreams, using colors that might be considered proper to love and harmony and by revealing necessary, open-minded, emotional and human foundations to rebuild our world.

L’œuvre de LESTE est activiste et engagée de par sa manière de réfléchir la réalité et le rêve, se servant de couleurs propre à l’amour et à l’harmonie et révélant des fondements émotionnels, humains, ouverts d’esprits et nécessaires, sur lesquels rebâtir notre monde.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th at 9:15 pm


Maria-Hélèna Pacelli

Description: Information coming soon…


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th at 8 pm










Meria Cairns Solo Classic Guitar

Description: Meria has been playing guitar for more years than she cares to admit to. Tonight she will be playing classical solo guitar pieces to relax and entertain guitar lovers.

Website: or

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Wednesday, November 16th from 9-9:30 pm.

Barfly – Saturday, November 19th at 9 pm









Riot Porn

Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Barfly – Friday, November 18th at 9 pm


Rory McCormack

Description: Electronic music.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Wednesday, November 16th at 9:30 pm and

Saturday, November 19th at 10:15 pm *******************************************************************************************************************************


Description: The soundtrack to action, thrills and suspense. Inspired by B-movie action soundtracks from the 60s and 70s, Stroboscopica blends funky bass, throbbing percussion, jazzy vibes, a dash of brass, and psychedelic guitar to make the kitschy sound seductive, fresh, and groovy.


Venue & Time: Barfly – Thursday, November 17th at 9 pm









The Jobless Friendly Show: Call Me Steve

Description: Demonstrably inspired by the punk sounds of the late 80’s, the great 90’s, and onward – incorporating sub-genres like skate, pop, and melodic hardcore. Some catchy and energetic tracks to expect for this Jobless Friendly Show.

Inspiree du punk de annees fin 80, les belles annees 90 et ensuite, incorporant des sous genres comme le skate, pop, et melodique harcdore. Des tunes energiques et entrainantes a ecouter au Jobless Friendly Show.


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Saturday, November 19th from 2:30 -3:30 pm







Description: A minimalist, rhythm based band with hard hitting, political rap vocals.

Venue & Time: Barfly – Thursday, November 17th at 9 pm





Description: Presenting your 2 local artists who are from Montréal. ..cuellARTherio ….they are forming an eclectic electric duo as visuals artists…vernissage…enter at your own risk…nudity …

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Thursday, November 17 from 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm








Dear Capitalism / Cher Capitalisme

Description: Dear Capitalism / Cher Capitalisme is a DIY visual arts project where you are invited to write a letter or create a work of art addressed to Capitalism itself. Originally hosted by The Rules at the 2016 World Social Forum in Montreal, the event is being resurrected for the 2016 Infringement Festival:

We recognize that enabling people to take time and space for grief and healing from the suffering caused by neoliberal capitalism is an essential part of the midwifing process for moving to a world where beautiful alternatives can flourish. The Dear Capitalism project will hold space for people to do this in the form of a simple interactive art installation, populated with creative, deeply diverse and engaging entries addressing ‘Dear Capitalism’.

The interactive art installation containing these contributions from infringement festival attendees is intended to open up a conversation around ‘grief and healing’ and to provide the opportunity for attendees to contribute their own creative addresses to ‘Capitalism’.


Cher Capitalisme / Cher Capitalisme est un projet d’arts visuels de bricolage dans lequel vous êtes invités à écrire une lettre ou à créer une œuvre d’art adressée au capitalisme lui-même. Initialement accueilli par The Rules au Forum social mondial de 2016 à Montréal, l’événement est en cours de ressuscitation pour le festival Infringement de 2016:

Nous reconnaissons que permettre aux gens de prendre le temps et l’espace pour le deuil et la guérison des souffrances causées par le capitalisme néolibéral est une partie essentielle du processus de sage-femme afin de passer à un monde où de belles options peuvent s’offrir. Le projet Cher Capitalisme permettra aux gens de le faire sous la forme d’une installation d’art interactif simple, peuplée d’entrées créatives, profondément diverses et engageantes adressant «Cher capitalisme».

L’installation d’art interactif contenant ces contributions des participants au Festival Infringement vise à engager une conversation sur « le chagrin et la guérison», et à donner aux participants la possibilité d’apporter leurs propres messages créatifs au «capitalisme».

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – during the entire festival











Dumpster Dive Art Drive

Description: Create artworks from the garbage and admire the trashy masterpieces of other infringers as you sip from a brown paper bag!

Montreal’s most unusual vernissage!

Venue & Time: Alleyway behind Bar Bifteck – Sunday, November 20th at 2 pm








Galerie Ambulante Art Nomade: Open Air Polymorphic Gallery

Description: The Art Nomades will be in front of the Rusty Shuttle with their Open Air Art Gallery. A Unique Gallery presenting Hot and Vibrant Poetic Style Art on Cedar Shingles.

Les Art Nomades seront devant le Rusty Shuttle avec la Galerie Ambulante Polymorphe.



Venue & Time: Trottoir/Sidewalk @ 3655 Saint Laurent – November 17, 18, 19, 20 from 2 pm – night









Rusty Shuttle Vernissage

Description: Space Squids flew to Montréal and created a place where everybody’s free to share any kind of art : The Rusty Shuttle!


Allie Sunshine
Antoine Ambert
Antonin Fisette
Catherine Morin
Dana Robins
Érik Desprez
John Hislop
Meli Sanfiorenzo
Mimi Coté

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – During the entire festival







Description: L’USINE 106U est une galerie d’art autogérée spécialisée dans la figuration hors-normes. Présentant chaque mois des expositions collectives d’une trentaine d’artistes, son mandat est d’abolir les barrières entre les artistes et le public, qu’elles soient hiérarchiques, intellectuelles ou monétaires.


Venue & Time: November 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th at 10 am – 5 pm










Last Dance on the Main

Part of the World Infringement Congress

Description: An animated documentary on the demolition of a row of historic buildings on Montreal’s St Laurent boulevard, also known as ‘The Main’, by politicians and building developers, and the resistance put up by the burlesque artists and local community.

Venue & Time: OLD BANK – Saturday, November 19th from 1:30-2:15 pm








Making a Name

Description: A comprehensive and in-depth look into the world of graffiti featuring Montreal’s most prolific graffiti writers.

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle, Friday November 18th, 6:00 pm












Movie Night with filmmakers Allie Sunshine, Mateo Vega, and Meli Sanfiorenzo

Description: Information coming soon…

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Friday, November 18th at 8:30 pm


Peace ParkPeace Park

Description: Peace Park is a documentary about a turf war ragging in a small park in the heart of Montreal’s downtown core. Fighting for the public space is a community of lifers that consists of drug dealers, crack addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, and the homeless. There is also a community of skaters who use this spot because it’s perfect for skateboarding. The two communities battle daily over the space, but there exists a larger conflict with the city and broader elements of society who see both groups as “undesirable”.

Local skateboarder David Boots has chronicled these conflicts for the past 12 years as the city and police embarked on measures bordering on the absurd in an attempt to rid the park of these communities and clean up the area’s image.

The documentary explores the historical importance of the neighborhood and how a series of attempts by the city to clean up the area has contributed to the current situation in the park. It looks at the present political conflicts between corporate greed and grassroots artists, and how different forms of underground culture, particularly skateboarding and graffiti, have made their mark on the public space.

A theme of tolerance is weaved throughout the story, told through interviews and personal accounts matched with raw, violent and highly disturbing footage that reveals a unique glimpse into the reality of the street life for many metropolitans.

A human perspective is maintained by showing individuals with problems that need addressing instead of a single problem while highlighting broader social and urban problems.

Ticket Price: $5

Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Friday, November 18th from 9:30-11 pm












Rocky Mountain Homelessness

Description: While this is an American documentary, homelessness is a universal problem. In fact, the world is currently dealing with a new kind of homelessness—the refugee who has lost not only home but country due to political conflict.

While many Americans are unemployed or under-employed and saddled with debt, they continue to blame themselves and each other rather than criticize the system that keeps them that way. Why? Do Canadians view homelessness and poverty differently?

As American culture and corporatism are exported to other parts of the world, austerity measures such as cuts to public education and health care are being implemented in other countries as well as in the US

Will this policy of austerity measures coupled with victim-blaming take over the world?

An optional discussion could ensue after the documentary, if people are interested. This documentary is in English.


Venue & Time: Rusty Shuttle – Friday, November 18th at 11 pm
