The Art of Burlesque (The Buffalo Burlesque Collective)

burlesqueBumping and grinding for social change, blurring gender barriers, liberating, and celebrating all body types with the timeless art of burlesque.

Cat Sinclair is a Burlesque Dancer and performance artist with The Stripteasers Burlesque in Buffalo NY, she has been bumping and grinding for social change and breaking down gender barriers since 2009. Cock Sinclair is everything your mother warned you about, he loves America and loves to hang out with his bros and drink PBRs. Get ready for a transformation that will blow your mind.

Friday, June 20 @ 9 pm  / Vendredi le 20 juin @ 20h

with / avec Candyass Beach Party Cabaret @ CAFÉ CLEO


Saturday, June 21 @ 8 pm / Dimanche le 21 juin @ 20h

LE P’TIT CABARET @ 183 Saint Paul Est


Sunday, June 22 @ 6:30 pm / Dimanche le 22 juin @ 18h30

LE P’TIT CABARET @ 183 Saint Paul Est