Fractal III – Poésie and Spoken Word

Fractal III

A francophone poetry and spoken word night at the 2015 Montreal infringement festival. Grand Récital Fractal III is organized by poet and troubadour Louis Royer. Two hours of songs, poetry and slam in an audacious, anti-establishment atmosphere. There are over 20 artists on the program!


Taverne Jarry  8:00pm

552, rue Jarry Est (metro Jarry)





A Brand New You – Film

A New You Film
Microbudget sci-fi comedy about a young widower who tries to clone his dead wife with the help of his roommates. The ticket includes one drink.

Café Republique – Mercredi 17 juin 8:00pm

1200 Peel Street, coin St. Catherine Ouest

Dangerous Dust Productions

83 minutes

Tickets $20, can be bought here:




